So you’re getting a new puppy!

Hey, that’s great.  I was a puppy once — not too long ago.

Of course, I was born at the house where I still live, but I was chosen from my litter as the “very special one.”

I think it’s great when someone decides to get a new puppy.  But I always warn them that it isn’t a decision you make lightly.  Do a little research first and you will end up with the perfect dog for you and your family.

Making the choice to add a dog to your family is not something to be taken lightly. This is a very big and important decision and should be given due consideration.

Tell you what!!! Why don’t I help you a little bit and give you some advice on how to choose your new canine companion.

How to choose your new dog or puppy

First you need to decide if you want to get a puppy as opposed to an older dog.  Older dogs can make wonderful pets.  One of my ancestors came to live at my house when he was 13 and he fit right in from the beginning.

If you decide on a puppy, make sure all the supporting elements are in place before you bring the puppy home. First of all, make sure this is something everyone in your family supports.  Think about all the expenses that go along with owning a dog.   Be sure you can afford it. Dog food and veterinary care aren’t always cheap.

Decide where the puppy will sleep and eat and where he will get his exercise.  You can’t just let him run loose in the neighborhood.  It’s too dangerous.  And it might make your neighbors a little unhappy as well.

Puppies require a lot of time and care.  They have to get all their vaccinations and, as soon as they’re old enough, they need to be spayed or neutered.  Then there’s the housebreaking and training.

Adding an older dog to the family is also something that cannot be taken lightly, Be sure his temperament is compatible with everyone in the family.

Without this compatibility, both sides are bound to encounter problems and the dog would most likely be the one that suffers the most.

Then you need to decide if you want to adopt a mixed breed from your shelter or get a purebred dog or puppy.  If you decide on a purebred, the most important thing to remember is to BUY FROM A REPUTABLE BREEDER.  There are a lot of people out there who sell purebred dogs who are not breeders.  Having a litter of puppies does not make a person a breeder.  Breeders do a lot of research into their lines.  They know the problems that exist.  They choose new homes for their puppies wisely.  And they’re there to support you for the life of the dog. Yes, you will pay a little more money for a purebred, but I promise you will get what you pay for and will have a lot less heartache along the way.

Adopting a dog from an animal shelter can also be an excellent, and this is of course welcomed by both the animal and the shelter. Some wonderful pets come from shelters.  And they will give you a lifetime of love.

Most importantly, do your research before you decide to add a new member to your family.  Be sure you have all the information you need before you go out and find your forever friend.